Maria Kózka
Barbara Prażmowska
Małgorzata Dziedzic
Maria Semczak
Pracownia Podstaw Opieki Położniczej, Instytut Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, UJ CM, Kraków, Polska
Zakład Pielęgniarstwa Klinicznego, Instytut Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, UJ CM, Kraków, Polska
Zakład Pielęgniarstwa Klinicznego, Instytut Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, UJ CM, Kraków, Polska
Thuisverpleging Solidariteit Voor Het Gezin vzw, Tienen Belgium


Introduction: For a woman menopause is a time of numerous physiological changes undergoing in the body. The occurring changes result from a major reduction in female hormonal production by the ovaries. As a consequence of this process, bothersome levels of physical and psychological perimenopausal symptoms are often experienced, such as vasomotor instability, perspiration, skeletal changes, problems with memory and concentration, irritability, mood swings. During this period there is an increased risk of coronary thrombosis, breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes. Women should be aware that a healthy lifestyle eases the discomfort and the effects of biological transitory change occurring during this period.

Aim of study: The aim of the study was to assess the lifestyle of women during the menopause transition years and their ways of coping with stress.

Material and Methods: Diagnostic survey method was used for the study, the tools being the standardized Healthful Lifestyle Questionnaire with relevant changes, and the CISS questionnaire on stress management. The first questionnaire consisted of 30 questions regarding lifestyle, e.g. physical activity, dietary habits and healthy behaviour. The other tool contained 48 statements describing reactions to difficult and stressful situations. The survey was conducted on a group of 76 women aged 45-60, living in the city of Cracow and Krzeszowice administrative district. The respondents were chosen randomly and participation was anonymous and voluntary. For the statistical analysis of healthy lifestyle questionnaire the Pearson χ² method was used. The issues discussed in the CISS questionnaire were analyzed by a single factor analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Outcomes: A vast majority of the respondents do not lead healthy lifestyles. 86% do not have an adequate amount of physical activity, 91% do not have a healthy diet and 58% do not comply with doctor’s instructions. Almost all the surveyed women (95%) declare that they are not able to cope with stress.

Conclusions: Women’s lifestyles in the menopause transition years do not promote good health and a sense of physical and emotional well-being. It shows the need to provide women with a wide range of information regarding health behaviour in this period.

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