Bogumił Lewandowski
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Wojciech Niedziela
Sebastian de Sternberg Stojałowski
Joanna Wojnar
Krzysztof Martiszek
Clinical Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Frederic Chopin Provincial Specialist Hospital in Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland
Clinical Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Frederic Chopin Provincial Specialist Hospital in Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland
Clinical Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Frederic Chopin Provincial Specialist Hospital in Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland
Clinical Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Frederic Chopin Provincial Specialist Hospital in Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland
Specjalistyczne Centrum Stomatologii w Nowym Sączu, Polska


Halitosis is a complaint that concerns a large part of the population. It is a very troublesome symptom independent of age, gender and race that often interferes with interpersonal relationships in terms of psychosocial interventions. The aim of this paper is to present the issue to general practitioners, the disease pathogenesis, its clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and combating the problem of troublesome bad breath, which can be met by doctors in their practice regardless of specialty. Since halitosis is a disorder of a complex multifactorial etiology, it requires an interdisciplinary approach for a collaborative and aggressive treatment, both general and local.

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