Emilian Zadarko
Zbigniew Barabasz
Edyta Nizioł
Wydział Wychowania Fizycznego, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Wydział Wychowania Fizycznego, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Wydział Wychowania Fizycznego, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


Introduction: From the medical point of view physical activity is perceived as the most wanted form of recreation and free time utilization in the view of its basic meaning for Health and civilization diseases prophylaxis.

Material and methods: Study was carried out among 1957 women studying in Podkarpackie Voivodeship. Studied group was separated into 86 nursing or midwifery faculties and 55 respondents of other medical faculties (public heath, medical rescue). Physical activity was conducted with the use of a questionnaire MILTPAQ; Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire.

Results: Studied female respondents are characterized by an average level of free time physical activity. It does not stray away from the general level of free time physical activity of other faculties, however in the case of nursing or midwifery faculties the level is statistically significant lower.

Conclusions: Students nursing or midwifery faculties had the lowest results in the general of free time physical activity of studied respondents. Light efforts predominated in the intensity classification of studied group.

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