Barbara Gugała
Sławomir Snela
Oddział Ortopedii i Traumatologii Dziecięcej, Szpital Wojewódzki Nr 2 w Rzeszowie
Institute of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland


Introduction: Intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin type-A (BTX-A) is a modern treatment for spasticity. Aim: The aim of the research was to rate the efficiency of BTX-A in according to the observations of the parents. Material and methods: The research was carried out at the Children Orthopaedic Ward / Trauma Centre. The data was gathered by means of discussions with the parents of children who had been diagnosed as having cerebral palsy and had been treated with A-type botulinum toxin injected intramuscularily in 2002-2004. The interview was conducted with sixty children’s guardians. Results and discussion: Therapeutic effect of the treatment was noticed by 96,7% (n = 58) of the questioned parents. Parents of two children (3,3%) did not notice any positive changes. None of the patients had suffered the side effects of using the botulinum toxin and the condition of none of them had worsen. The improvement noticed by the parents was that the tension of the muscles had generally decreased (80,0%) it became easier to straighten the hips (23,3%) and knees (41,7%) and repealance of walking on fingers that makes walking on the whole feet impossible (83,3%) Conclusions: In the opinions of the parents, treating their children with botulinum toxin was highly ef‘ficient. By means of intramuscular injections of the BTX-A one can cause focal, passing repealance of the "chosen muscles’ spasticity.


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