Krystyna Gomulska
Ludwika Sadowska
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Anna Krefft
Katarzyna Gomulska
Artur Mazur
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Z Samodzielnej Pracowni Rehabilitacji Rozwojowej I Katedry Pediatrii AM we Wrocławiu; Z Poradni Rehabilitacyjnej Wojewódzkiego
Institute of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland
Z Instytutu Fizjoterapii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Z Samodzielnej Pracowni Rehabilitacji Rozwojowej I Katedry Pediatrii AM we Wrocławiu
Departament Paediatrics, Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Institute of Medical Sciences, Medical College of Rzeszow University, Rzeszow, Poland


A retrospective analysis of 19 grouped anamnestic risk factors was carried out in 245 infants diagnosed with neuro-kinesiological method of Vojta. They constituted empirical basis for mathematical model of synthetic diagnostic function determining the level of risk of development of infantile cerebral palsy (ZZRMPD) in two groups of children. The first group (ICP) consisted of 160 children with diagnosed infantile cerebral palsy in the third year of life, despite being rehabilitated with neurophysiological methods. The second group (GP) consisted of 85 healthy peers. It was shown that the synthetic diagnostic function (ZZRMPD) indeed differentiates between children with ICP and healthy children (p<0,01). The most significant were: body weight at birth, afflictions of the newborn, perinatal injuries, shortened time of pregnancy, low vitality on Apgar scale and measurements of the length of the body, cranial circumference and chest circumference of the newborn. Determination of the level of risk of development of infantile cerebral palsy allows to begin therapy at an early stage and to improve the quality of life of the disabled child and its family. The study indicates a need to shape healthy attitudes among teenagers and adults at procreative age, to provide pro- 48 fessional gynecological-obstetric care as well as neonatal care for women and children from the time of conception.

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