Filip Osuchowski
Piotr Pudło
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie


Introduction: the research is one of the stages of the plant programme for health promotion ,, Workplace without tobacco smoke", which is carried out in different workplaces in the Podkarpackie province by Wojewódzki Ośrodek Medycyny Pracy in Rzeszow. Objective of the thesis: The purpose of the thesis is to recognise the attitudes of Hispano Suiza Poland employees towards tobacco smoking in the workplace. ‘Materials and methods: 143 employees of Hispano Suiza Poland participated in the research. A written questionnaire was given to a respondent, with the request of filling it in. Results: The research proved that smokers are 29,4 of the staff. Most of them are men ~ 94,5%. 82,78 of non-smokers would ban smoking completely in the plant, only 10,98 of smokers agree with this idea. 63,68 of smokers think that the possibility of free smoking in the workplace results in the better work of the smoking emplovees, 65.6% of non — smokers disagree with this. 48.6 of non — smokers think that thev have been exposed to passive smoking at work place. 56,3% think that they do mind when others smoke at work. 32,78 of smokers and 42,5% of non — smokers think that tobacco smoking at work brings economic waste to the plant. Conclusion: On the basis of the results of the research, it is easy to see the difference in attitudes towards smoking in workplace between smokers and non — smokers. The results were useful in preparation and implementation of the right health promotion programme in Hispano Suiza Poland.

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