Agnieszka Depa
Mariusz Drużbicki
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Department of Physiotherapy, Institute of Health Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland
Department of Physiotherapy, Institute of Health Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland


Introduction: Pain syndromes of spinal lumbar section is a civilization disease. It applies to 80% of world population , being one of the most frequent reasons of house calls or medical appointments and sick leaves at work Etiopathology of spinal lumbar section pains is connected mainly with overload-degeneration mechanism of intervertebral discs, vertebrae and their joints. Objective of the study: Objective of the study is to assess frequency how of en spinal lumbar section pains occur with relation to the character of performed work, description of spinal lumbar section pains, review of subjective judgments of the applied physiotherapeutic treatment effect and of knowledge of pro-phylaxis rules application. Material and method: The study covered a group of 197 persons. The examined group was composed of 84 white-collar workers and 113 blue-collar workers. The subjects were divided in two groups by character of work exercised by them. An original questionnaire form was used to conduct research. The questionnaire form was standard-ized, anonymous and included 20 questions. The information gathered with the questionnaires were sub-ject to a statistical analysis. Conclusions: More frequent occurrence of spinal lumbar section pains was proved among men being blue-collar workers as a result of the conducted research, however the obtained differences had no statis-tical significance. No statistically significant difference between frequency of occurrence of spinal lumbar section pains and the reviewed features was also proved. The only factor which could influence the fre-quency of spinal lumbar section pains occurrence is level of activeness in youth. The examined subjects declare knowledge of prophylaxis rules at spinal lumbar section pains but they do not apply them during professional work. Conclusions: Pain complaints of spinal lumbar section apply to persons from different workers' envi-ronment , however they apply especially to men working as blue-collar workers. Education on proper technique of work and kinesiprophylaxisis is needed. 

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