Use of biofeedback in neurological rehabilitation
This article includes a review of research and chosen solutions of use of biofeedback in contemporary neurorehabilitation. Their subject matter concerns persons suffering from neurological diseases. These kinds of research are performed increasingly, so the scientific reports that are more and more numerous indicate the fact that properly constructed therapeutic programs may improve the treatment results in case of many neurological problems in the field of neurorehabilitation, also the cognitive one. Therefore, so called traditional model of procedure is often “enriched” with new therapeutic methods or improved rehabilitation equipment. All these modifications aim at the faster recovery of patient or full use of his/her widely understood functioning potential. As one can see, the biofeedback method should be successfully used not only as an expansion of standard therapeutic procedure but in many cases also as its integral part. Therefore, one can state that many of the presented solutions shall be implemented to the contemporary model of proceeding with neurological patient.

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