Anna Radochońska
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Sylwia Dudzik
Faculty of Education, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszów, Poland
Z Zakładu Anatomii Porównawczej Kręgowców i Antropologii UR


The paper presents results of research on secular trend in changes concerning such morphological traits as height, body mass and chest circumference in 7,5-14,5 year-old boys and girls from the Rzeszów rural region. The investigations were carried out successively in 1976/77, 1988/89 and 2003/04 years. A comparative analysis of the results confirms the occurrence of acceleration in the development of height and body mass in boys and girls from Krasne during whole examined period. Body height shows increasing tendency in period of 1976/77 to 2003/04: in boys from Krasne up to 13,5 years and in girls up to age of 12,5 years. In 14,5-year-old boys and in girls in age group 13,5-14,5 a deceleration in development of this parameter was observed. Chest circumference has risen in all subjects between 1976/77 and 1988/89. In period 1988/89 to 2003/04 appears a deceleration of this physical trait.

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