Stroke prevention – role of family doctor
Despite the huge progress achieved in medicine in recent years, stroke is still the third commonest cause of death and the leading cause of disability among people aged over 40 years. The incidence of stroke in Poland remains on an average European level, though the mortality rate is one of the highest in Europe. It seems that the main causes of this phenomenon is an insufficient primary and secondary prevention. Primary prevention aims at reducing the risk of occurring the first ischaemic stroke through so called modifiable risk factors whose occurrence can be changed by medical intervention or changes in patterns of behaviour. It affects not only decrease in stroke morbidity but also considerably influences the course of the disease. The main stroke risk factors are hypertension, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, nicotine addiction, high level of cholesterol and lack of physical activity. Secondary stroke prevention actually corresponds with primary stroke prevention and, additionally, should comprise antiplatelet or oral anticoagulant treatment, therapy of concomitant diseases and surgery of arterial thrombosis. The reduction and management of treatable risk factors as well as a modified way of life are among the most important goals of basic health care.

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