Secular changes in age of menarche in girls from Boguchwała and Krasne examined in 1976/77, 1988/89 and 2003/04 years as compared to population of the Rzeszow girls
The paper presents the results of an investigation on age of puberty carried out in years 1976/77, 1988/89 and 2003/04 on group of rural adolescent girls from Boguchwała and Krasne. An average age of menarche was calculated. The girls from Rzeszów city were selected as a control group. It was observed that age of menarche in period of 1976/77–2003/04 has declined in the Boguchwała girls from from 13,1 to 12,5 years, and in Krasne girls respectively from 13,4 to 12,7 years. In the Boguchwała girls during period of 1976/77–1988/89 firstly has occurred an 0.2-year delay in menarche, and secondly (in period of 1988/89–2003/04) – an 0.8-year acceleration. In the Krasne girls an acceleration of process of puberty is marked during whole period, especially in years 1988/89–2003/04. In girls both from Boguchwała and Krasne in 1976/77 and 1988/89 years the menarche appears later than in the Rzeszów girls. A comparison of results of research carried out in 2003/04 shows that in the Krasne girls the menarche appears only 0,1-year later than in the Rzeszów girls (age of menarche is 12,6 years), and in the Boguchwała girls it appears 0,1-year earlier.

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