Elżbieta Ostańska
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David Aebisher
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Ewa Kaznowska
Dorota Bartusik-Aebisher
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Clinical Department of Pathomorphology, Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland
Department of Photomedicine and Physical Chemistry, Medical College of Rzeszów University, Rzeszów, Poland
Department of Pathology of University Clinical Hospital in Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland
Department of Biochemistry and General Chemistry, Medical College of the University of Rzeszow, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland
Received: 7 March 2020 / Accepted: 13 May 2020 / Published: 30 December 2020


Introduction. Angiosarcoma is a rare breast cancer that can be primary or secondary after surgery or after breast cancer radiotherapy. It is important that breast angiosarcoma belongs to tumors with a non-specific clinical and radiological picture.

Aim. The study of the biopsies contained aggressive vasomotor hyperplasia.

Description of the case. The presented case concerns the primary angiosarcoma of the right breast in a 56-year-old woman who had never had a surgical procedure before, nor radiotherapy in the area of the breast.

Conclusion. Histopathological examination supported by immunohistochemistry is a reliable and indispensable diagnostic element in the diagnosis of vascular sarcoma.



Ostańska E, Aebisher D, Kaznowska E. Bartusik-Aebisher D. Primary breast angiosarcoma – a case report. Eur J Clin Exp Med. 2020;18(4):331–334. doi: 10.15584/ejcem.2020.4.12

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