Oxidative stress and antioxidants markers in individuals with thyroid hormones dysfunction
Introduction and aim. Thyroid hormone abnormalities have been associated with oxidative changes in human beings. The aim of the study was to evaluate the oxidative stress marker and antioxidants status in individuals with thyroid hormone dysfunction in Ekiti State.
Material and methods. A total of eighty samples were recruited in this study comprising forty subjects with thyroid hormones dysfunction and forty apparently healthy controls. Malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH) and catalase were determined spectrophotometerically.
Results. MDA was non-significantly higher (p>0.05) in subjects (4.33±0.84 nmol/mL) compared with control (4.12±0.63 nmol/mL), catalase was non-significantly higher (p>0.05) in subjects (199.36±20.21 µm/mL) compared with control (181.55±16.61 µm/mL), while GSH was significantly lower (p<0.05) in subjects (79.31±10.12 µmol/mL) compared with control (127.21±7.29 µmol/mL).
Conclusion. It can be concluded that the increase in the reactive oxygen species accompanied with impairment of the antioxidant system occurs in patients with thyroid hormone dysfunction. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism induces disequilibrium of the oxidative/anti-oxidative balance that can lead to subsequent development of inflammation and associated diseases.
Omon EA, Ajayi OD. Oxidative stress and antioxidants markers in individuals with thyroid hormones dysfunction. Eur J Clin Exp Med. 2023;21(4):768–775. doi: 10.15584/ejcem.2023.4.18.

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