Osteoporosis induced by chronic glucocor ticotherapy – treatment and prophylaxis
Glucocorticoids as strong anti-inflammatory and anti-immunosuppressive drugs are used in the treatment of many inflammatory and autoimmune etiology diseases. These illnesses usually demand prolonged glucocorticoid therapy what is a reason of many adverse events occurrence with osteoporosis as a one of the most important. Glucocorticoids lead to osteoporosis development by reduction of bone formation and by increase of bone resorption. Therapy and prophylaxis of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is focused on minimize of bone loss, as a consequence of corticoids administration, and prevention of life threatening bone fractures. The aim of this paper is a review of literature concerning osteoporosis induced by chronic glucocorticotherapy, its treatment possibilities and prophylaxis as well as current recommendations of preferred therapy regimens.
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