Mariusz Drużbicki
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Daniel Szymczyk
Sławomir Snela
Joanna Dudek
Magdalena Chuchla
Department of Physiotherapy, Institute of Health Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland
Institute of Physiotherapy, Department of Medicine, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Institute of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland
Instytut Fizjoterapii Wydziału Medycznego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów, Polska
Z Instytutu Fizjoterapii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego


Normal human gait requires precise cooperation of neuromuscular and skeletal systems and constant control of central neural system (CNS) for minimal energy expenditure. Gait analysis is very important and commonly used tool in clinical practice for the evaluation of gait disorders in many diseases, in comparison to normal gait pattern. Gait analaysis consist of measurement, description and assessment of the parameters characterizing human locomotion. The aim of this article is to present and describe selected contemporary methods of quantitative gait analysis and their application in clinical practice. Human movement analysis, including gait assesment is very important part of patients clinical evaluation. Modern diagnostics methods used in movement and gait analysis in clinical practice are based on application of optoelectronic computer systems, wich allow for synchronized measurement and assessment of kinematic and kinetic parameters of human gait. The results of gait analysis using optoelectronic computer systems provide us with objective data for evaluation of gait pathology in many diseases in order to optimal therapy choice and assessment of its effectiveness. Modern methods of gait analysis are commonly used in therapy of children with CP, patients with CNS disorders and orthopaedics patients. Multifactor, quantitative and objective gait analysis methods allow for monitoring of therapy and rehabilitation results and progress.

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