Wojciech Cendrowski
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Z Samodzielnego Publicznego ZOZ-u Lecznica Centrum w Warszawie


Introduction: Interferon beta (IFN beta) and glatiramer acetate (GA) improve over 2-3 years the course of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). It is uncertain whether these drugs mods be-neficially the disease over two decades.

Objective: To evaluate the long-term efficacy of IFN beta-lb, IFN beta-la s.c., IFN beta-la Lm. or GA in the treatment of RR MS.

Method: Six clinical parameters and three MRI indices were analyzed in 18 cohorts of RRMS pa-tients folloned up to 25 years. The parameters were compared prior and after IFN beta and GA treat-ment as well as in the treated and controls.

Results: Reduction of annual relapse rates by IFN beta and GA nos at the earlier stage of treatment more effective than at the later one. Progression ofdisability in the treated nos maker and slow:, espe-cially at the beginning, in comparison to the withdrawn from the therapy. The percentages of treated patients with 4th and 6th step of disability, but not with 7th at EDSS, nere significantly loner Time to the 6th step after 25-year IFN beta treatment nos prolonged. Time to the conversion of RRMS into sec-ondary progressive MS nos longer in some cohorts. Quality of life and cognition remained at higher level in the continuously treated with IFN beta-I b. Lesion volumes on 72-related brain MRI slightly less progressed in the treated over a long time with IFN beta-1 b than in the sporadically receiving this , drug. 

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