Influence of selected factors on the quality of life and the functional state of people after a brain stroke
Introduction: quality of life is a wide term included all aspects of patient’s functioning after a brain stroke. Evaluation of quality of life is dependent basically on stroke effect, as well as other factors i.a. age, sex, weight and time elapsed from stroke. The aim of this research was a comparison of the functional state and independence in activity of daily life of patients with proper and excessive body weight as well as to evaluate the age, sex, time elapsed from stroke impact on the quality of life of people after brain stroke depending on the body weight. Material and methods: The study included 90 subjects (47 women and 43 men) in the age of 28–83 years old after the brain stroke. The patients were divided into two groups (according to the value of the 384 385 body mass index BMI): those with proper and those with overweight and obesity The functional state was evaluated with the use of Barthel Index. Quality of life was evaluated according to the WHOQOL-Bref questionnaire. Outcome: functional state of the subjects with obesity/overweight was actually worse in comparison to the subject with the proper weight. Elderly had significantly lower QOL scores, particularly in social and psychological aspect. Sex didn’t play a significant role in evaluation QOL. Self-reported health was better after longer time from stroke. Conclusion: Excessive body weight is a factor that has a negative impact on functional state. Elder age is connected to lower social and psychological aspect of quality of life. Sex do not influence the quality of life radically. The longer time from the occurrence of the stroke has an positive impact on subjective evaluation of health condition.
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