Grzegorz Przysada
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Mariusz Drużbicki
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Natalia Łyszczak
Institute of Physiotherapy, Medical Department, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszów, Poland
Department of Physiotherapy, Institute of Health Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland
Institute of Physiotherapy, Medical Department, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszów, Poland


Introduction: Foot deformities are very common health issue in modern society. There are many kinds of different foot disorders which require specific medical procedures.

Objective of the study: The purpose of the research was both to determine the frequency as well as the most common foot defects of fifth year Physiotherapy Students of Rzeszów University. It was also investigated if body mass influenced the occurrence of foot deformities as well as particular indicators that characterize foot structure were determined.

Material and method: The research involved the group of 108 physiotherapy students, among them were 80 women and 28 men. The participants of the study were divided into 2 groups. The first group represented students with correct body mass, the second group included students with overweight problem. Research instrument was planktogram, which consisted of foot prints: right and left. On each planktogram angles and indicators were marked that allow to determine individual foot deformities.

Results: On the basis of the analysis of body mass influence on individual indicators characterizing foot structure, the research proved that indicators exceed the norms in case of obese students in comparison to students with correct body mass.

Conclusions: Foot deformities are a significant problem among the researched physiotherapy students. The most common foot disorders are: II° degree low arched foot, heel malformations and flat feet. Foot deformities occur both at students with correct body mass as well as at those with the overweight issue, however foot deformities most frequently occur at students with overweight problem

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