Gait evaluation with Wisconsin Gait Scale of patients with hemiparesis after stroke
Introduction. Damage to the central nervous system caused by stroke is a reason of motor and cognitive functions impairment. Brain stroke is characterized by high level of disability moreover originated gait disorders influence on deterioration in quality of life. Gait analysis is necessary examination element and functional assessment of gait. In everyday clinical practice using of simple gait evaluation method is essential. They are mostly based on watching and describing or measurement of time parameters (e.g. velocity, distance). Rodriques et al. from the University of Wisconsin developed scale which can be used to evaluate the gait problems experienced by a patient with hemiplegia after stroke as well as to monitor the effectiveness of rehabilitation training. Aim. The aim of the study is to present Wisconsin Gait Scale and showing possibilities for its use to assess patients with hemiplegia after brain stroke. Materials and methods. The study included a group of patients with hemiplegia after brain stroke treated in the rehabilitation ward. Patients were enrolled according to the following inclusion criteria: ability to walk independently with or without a walking device, cognitive ability to follow the instruction, no orthopaedic co-morbidities influencing on gait. 10 subjects were included to the study with the mean age of 60,7 in different period after stroke. Gait was assessed using: Wisconsin Gait Scale, velocity of walking on 10 metres distance and Brunnström Scale. Wisconsin Gait Scale consists of 14 observable variables that measure clinically relevant components of gait which are grouped in 4 subscales. Total score range from 13,35 to 42. Higher result means that patent is characterized by more severe gait impairments. Subjects were videotaped using 2 cameras, which provided lateral, anterior and posterior view. Conclusion. Preliminary observation showed that Wisconsit Gait Scale is useful tool which gives results helping in rehabilitation planning and assessing changes over time during rehabilitation training in patients after brain stroke. There were significant correlations between WGS score objective gait velocity and Brunnström recovery stage. It is necessary to provide further validation (interrater an intrarater reliability (conformity), repeatability) for Wisconsin Gait Scale.

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