Joanna Kokoszka
Magdalena Maślanka
Z Instytutu Fizjoterapii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Z Instytutu Fizjoterapii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego


Introduction. In the recent years, we often take into consideration patient's. subjective opinion on condition of his health and its changes, and the connection between these changes and everyday life activity. Most of the available data concerns the quality of life of people who have osteoporosis and suffer from osteoporotic fractures. There are no information about general condition of health, quality of life and physical activity of these people. The hereby thesis tries to estimate the general quality of life and physical activity, and the reasons of its ‘worsening in the case of people suffering from osteoporosis. ‘Material and a method. The survey was conducted among 47 women, aged 50-80, who were treated for osteoporosis at Provincial Specialist Health Center in Warzywna Street in Rzeszéw. The questionnaire, which the women filled in anonymously, was the research tool. It was based on the questionnaire of European Foundation for Osteoporosis QUALEFFO, and it consisted of 40 questions that let estimate particular parameters. Results. Most of the examined patients stated that osteoporosis influenced the quality of their lives. Over half of them said that the illness effected their physical activity to the great extent. The most important factor, that the patients indicated as the reason of making everyday activities harder, was the pain and the fear of falling down or breaking a limb. Conducted survey shows that osteoporosis had a huge impact on the fitness and everyday life. Almost half of the women stated that they had difficulties in doing everyday activities. The survey proved that the backache which they felt during bed-time, had a great negative effect on the quality of life. Conclusions. The conclusion is that the worsening of life quality of questioned women is caused by the pain and the fear of losing independence and becoming dependent on the other people. What the author observed was the reduction of everyday physical activity. That was the result of fear of falling down andlor fracture.

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