Evaluation effectiveness of exercises on the balance platform for using biofeedback to walking function in patients after stroke
Introduction: In recent decades as one of the methods of physiotherapy in patients after stroke are used to exercises on balance platform with using biofeedback.
Material and methods: The study was performed in 55 patients of both sexes after ischemic stroke with hemiparesis. Patients were divided on two groups by the time which has elapsed since the stroke. Group I – up to 6 months. Group II – more than 6 months. In each of these groups were distinguished subgroups of patients. A subgroup in whom physiotherapy was exercises on the balance platform. In a subgroup B these exercises are not used. For the evaluation of the effectiveness of rehabilitation used: gait speed on 10 meters distance and a loading Index of the Symmetry of the lower limbs. Tests were conducted 1 day and after three weeks of rehabilitation.
Results: There was observed a highly statistically significant difference (p<0.001) in the values of Ws after three weeks of rehabilitation in patients between trainees and not trainess on the balance platform to six months after the stroke, and a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in patients over six months after stroke. There was also observed a highly statistically significant difference (p<0.01) in gait speed on 10 meters distance after three weeks of rehabilitation in patients between trainees and not trainees on the balance platform to six months after the stroke, and a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in patients over six months after the stroke.
Conclusion: The study was performed in patients with hemiparesis after ischemic stroke confirmed the usefulness of exercises on the balance platform with the use of substitute feedback. Training on the balance platform improves the symmetry of both loading of the lower limbs as well as to increase the speed of walking.

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