Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis
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Paweł Lizis
Institute of Physiotherapy, Medical Faculty, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszów, Poland
Z Zakładu Fizjoterapii Beskidzkiej Wyższej Szkoły Turystyki w Żywcu


The osteopenia is a civilization illnes, which touches women in postmenopausal, women and men in a geriatric age. It’s main definition, given by WHO organization, says that in case of osteopenia, bone mineral density measured in any part of a human skeleton, locates in a range of -1 to -2,5 of a standard deviation according to the peak bone density amongst young and healthy adults. The purpouse of this reaserch was to describe and compare choosen morphological attributes which shows state of a bone tissue saturation. Moreover the reaserch was supposed to demonstrate relationship between age and choosen morphological attributes in men and women in advanced state of osteopenia. The obteined results shows a slighlty higher values of a arithemtic means of the choosen morphological attributes more in men then women. There was an exception in which BMI index showed in- 134 verted proportions. Furthermore it was noticed that lower arithmetic mean values, of choosen attributes of a bone tissue saturation state, are more in men then women. The revelant statistic values occured in BMD index. There was demonstrated regular occurence between age, T-score and Young Adult indexes, which leads to the conclusion that according to the age, saturation of a bone tissue lowers during the process of osteopenia. Therefore it can reduce the susceptibility of a bone to mechanical injuries.

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