Roman Paduch
Piotr Niedziela
Grażyna Matysik
Magdalena Wójciak-Kosior
Z Zakladu Wirusologii i Immunologii, Wydzial Biologii i Nauk o Ziemi Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej w Lublinie
Z Kliniki Chirurgii Szpitala Kolejowego w Lublinie
Z Samodzielnej Pracowni Chromatografii Planamej, Katedra Chemii Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie
Z Samodzielnej Pracowni Chromatografii Planamej, Katedra Chemii Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie


Currently, a number of studies are being conducted at improving the effects of local treatment of chronic crural ulceration. In the Laboratory of Planar Chromatography, Department of Chemistry of the University School of Medicine in Lublin, the formulation of a new medicinal herb consisting of a mixture of 4 herbs: chamomile flower (Antlwdium Chanwmillae), plantain leaf (Foilum Plantaginis Lanceolatae), euphrasy herb (Herba Euphrasiae) and marigold flower (Calendulae Officinalis) has been elaborated. The mixture is now available under a trade name Naran N. The activity of the composition, showing antibacterial and wound healing promoting action, was tested in the local treatment of slow-healing crural ulceration on the group of 42 randomly selected patients. The mean period of treatment was 4 weeks. The positive therapeutic effect, consisting in cleaning the wound from necrotic tissue was achieved in 43% of patients. Moreover, the exudates from the wound was reduced or eliminated in 81% of patients. The speed of ulcerations healing, calculated according to Gilman's parameter was 0.047 ant/day. Therapeutically significant granulation and epithelisation of wounds was not observed. The examined medicine was well tolerated by patients. Transient itching and burning symptoms in the region of the wound were observed only in 15% of patients and were not an indication for changing the treatment method. The results of our tests indicate that tested medicinal herb composition is an effective therapeutic management completing traditional methods of trophic crural ulcerations treatment. 

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