Jaroslav Stančiak
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Mária Kopáčiková
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Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Politechniki w Jihlavie, Katedra Studiów nad Opieką Zdrowotną, Jihlava, Czechy
Faculty of Health, Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Ruzomberok, Slovakia


Introduction: The pregnancy means for woman an intensive process and it needs our interest. The maternal organism is adapted to changes in bio-psycho-social sphere and a new human being develops during the pregnancy.

Aim: We found out and compared satisfaction of pregnant women’s behaviour and the quality of their attention for activities which improving conditions in pregnancy and securing health development of their child.

Subjects and Methods: Our research was based on a random sample of respondents. The study included 277 respondents. They were separated into two files – puerperas and midwives. For each group of respondents was used method of questionnaires. Data were statistically processing.

Results: We found out, that the satisfaction of pregnant women’s behaviour and the quality of their attention for activities which improving conditions in pregnancy was acceptable. Some deficiencies were found.

Conclusion: We suggest to increase the quality of services to improve the pregnant women’s behaviour and to contribute for standards of European Union by improving our services and by continuous educating of women. We suggest to motivate pregnant women to responsible behaviour during pregnancy and to create conditions for health development of their prenatal child.

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