The awareness of the possibility of the carpal tunnel syndrome occurrence in the people from the pr o fessional risk group
Introduction: Carpal tunnel syndrome (cts) is the most common form of entrapment neuropathy of upper limb. Cts professional risk factors are very important ones. The aim: The purpose of this thesis nos the evaluation of the awareness of the possibility of cts oc-currence in the people from the risk group. The level of the ailment and the differences of the awareness depending on the type of work performed were as well evaluated. The level of knowledge concerning cts, risk factors and prophylaxis were to be checked as sell. Material and methods: Two professional groups (altogether 100 people) Isere included to the re-search. The first group consisted of white collar workers (50 people). The second group consisted of the workers of tailoring workshop and cleaners. The research stns carried by opinion poll method using straiten auditorium questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 38 questions including open and closed decision and completion questions. The results of the research indicated that most of the examined employees were not aware that they belonged to the professional risk group. Presence of pain ailments is dependent on the type of work, the ailments are much more frequent in case of blue collar workers than in case of white collar workers. White collar workers are more aware than blue collar workers. The knowledge of the examined people concerning cts and risk factors is very low Majority of questioned people do not know which factors increase the risk of the occurrence of cts, and what prophylactic activities should be undertaken in order not to develop it. Conclusion: It results from the carried research that the examined group, being the professional risk group, is not sufficiently assure of the risk of the occurrence of cts. So it is definitely necessary to im-prove the awareness of the people concerning the results of the non-ergonomic performance of profes-sional activities and the improvement of their working conditions.

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