The Assessment of Postural Stability of Women with Hallux Valgus
Introduction. Hallux valgus is a progressive form of deformity of feet with lateral deviation of the hallux and medial deviation of the first metatarsal. This deformity along with its accompanying symptoms is associated with significant pain and serious consequences in terms of the patient’s physical restrictions and frequent falls.
Aim of the Study. The study assessed the postural stability of women aged between 26-75, suffering from hallux valgus, as opposed to the control group.
Material and methods. The study involved a group of 88 women aged 26-75, including 47 women with hallux valgus and 41 without this deformity. The study was conducted between September 2014 and April 2015, at a medical centre called Centrum Podiomed located in Krakow. The subjects of the study had been assigned to the two groups based on the measurements of the deviation of the big toe. The women with the deviation of less than 15° were assigned to the control group, whereas those with the deviation of more than 15° were put in the actual study group. The main measuring tool used during the study to assess the stabilometry parameters and parameters of women’s footprints was a tensometric matt, PLATFORMA E.P.S./R1, and its software Biomech 2013. Static analysis was conducted using the matt. The measurement of stability took 5 seconds at a time. The hallux valgus angle (HVA) for each foot was measured manually.
Results. Presence of hallux valgus deformity has a significant effect on postural stability of the examined women.
Conclusion. The study has showed statistically significant differences of stabilometric parameters and footprint parameters between the women with hallux valgus and the healthy subjects. The study has also showed statistically significant correlations between the HVA values and some stabilometric parameters and footprints in the study group.
Walaszek R, Ridan T, Walaszek K, Burdacki M. The Assessment of Postural Stability of Women with Hallux Valgus. Medical Review 2016; 14 (1): 48–60. doi: 10.15584/medrev.2016.1.4

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