Assessment of the knowledge of women from Podkarpacka regarding cervical cancer prevention
Introduction: Around 4 thousand cases of cervical cancer are detected annually in Poland. The main cause of the disease is the human papilloma virus transmitted sexually. Diagnosis of cervical cancer is based on the execution of smear cytology, colposcopy and guided biopsy. Treatment depends on the severity of the lesion as confirmed by the result of histopathological examination. The most effective way to prevent cervical cancer is a regularly performed Pap test, application of HPV vaccines and maintenance of a safe sex life.
Aims: Assessment of the knowledge and health behaviors of women from the Podkarpacie regarding cervical cancer prevention.
Material and methods: The study included 108 respondents from the area of Rzeszow and the surrounding region. Recruitment for the study took place in a random fashion, after verbal agreement by the persons concerned. The method used in the study was the author’s questionnaire developed by members of the Student Society for Midwifery Research.
Results: The study shows that women’s knowledge on the subject of cervical cancer prevention is haphazard, even among women who report regularly every year for cervical screening (p = 0.00036). The respondents acquire knowledge about cervical cancer prevention mainly from a doctor, midwife, women’s magazines, leaflets / brochures and the press (p = 0.02200).
Conclusions: Knowledge of respondents correlated with the frequency of reporting for Pap testing; the internet is used as a source of knowledge about cervical cancer prevention to a greater extent by the youngest respondents, aged 18 – 33 years; the level of knowledge discovered in the area of risk factors and symptoms of cervical cancer is unsatisfactory.

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