Accessibility to enviromental rehabilitation for patients after stroke
Rehabilitation is a medical and social proccess, leading to assure disabled people decent live and feeling needed in society. Assuring complex, lasting and common rehabilitation is a part of Polish Model of Rehabilitation and gives a chance for improvement in physical efficiency and also in psychological and social live. Purpose of this assigment is evaluation of accessibility in enviromental rehabilitation for patients after stroke, and also to show the main problems in everyday live.
Material and method: Research was performed by a questionnaire among patients, who have been hospitalised in Oddzial Neurologii Szpital Wojewodzki Nr. 2 in Rzeszow in 2003-2004, becouse of stroke. Questionnaire included 20 questiones concerning: family situation, hospital rehabilitation, enviromental rehabilitation, architectural barriers and occupational activity.
Results: From the completed research it follows that there is low access to enviromental rehabilitation for patients after stroke in many aspects including low knowledge among patients and families about possibilitis in continouing rehabilitation at home. To pursue a goal of regaining loss of physical efficiency with limited possibilities in farmacological treatment, rehabilitation is the main part of a whole treatment. In standard procedures it is important to assure complex and continous rehabilitation for patients after stroke.
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