Acceptance of cancer in women after mastectomy
Aim. Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women, both in Poland and worldwide. Unlike other diseases, cancer is perceived by women as a very severe trauma. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of cancer acceptance among women after mastectomy.
Material and method. The study involved 54 patients after mastectomy, the mean age of 57.2 years. The study used a questionnaire consisting of questions and AIS scale.
Results. At diagnosis, 92.59% of women did not accept the disease and at the moment of the study 75.93% did. Tested women felt both needed (42.59%) and independent from others (31.48%). More than a half of patients (53.70%) did not feel a burden to others and 44.44% considered themselves high-value women. 27.78% of the whole group stated they were self-sufficient. The low level of acceptance was observed in 10 out of 54 women. A half of women declared high level of acceptance. Age, place of residence and education of respondents did not influence the level of acceptance. The time from the surgery had a clear impact on the acceptance of the disease (p < 0.001).
Conclusion. Very good level of acceptance was observed in women who got used to the fact they had cancer up to 2 years after surgery.
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