Functional assessment of early post-stroke rehabilitation – half year observation
Backgroud and purpose:
The aim of the study was to examine the effectiveness of early post-stroke rehabilitation on the basis of the functional ADL and IADL tests.
Material and method: 225 patients, average age 67 years, after first stroke during inpatient rehabilitation in the Rehabilitation Department at the III Provincial Hospital in Łódź. Patients were received between 2-3 week from the day of stroke attack from Neurological or Internal Departments where they were treated in acute period. From the beginning patients were rehabilitated by local physiotherapists. Next, after consultancy, they were qualified to Rehabilitation Department. ADL tests were done 4 times: between the 2nd –3rd week, in the 5th week, in the 8th week and in the 6th month. Maximum number of points to achieve was 100. IADL scale examinations were done 3 times: between the 2nd –3rd week, in the 8th week and in the 6th month. Maximum number of points to achieve was 24. This study estimates more complicated functions connected with possibility of independent social and home life according to 8 questions each based on the scale from 3 to1. Comparison was done between status datum (examination in the day of coming to Rehabilitation Department) 2-3 week after stroke, and control periods. Final examination of significant differences in functional assessment, made both in ADL and IADL, was realized by statistical analysis, precisely by hypothesis verification about signification results differences between particular periods of rehabilitation treatment. Next, t-Student test for two dependent probes was used.
Results: Results for all periods of observations both for ADL scale as IADL differ significantly on the level of signification p=0,000001. Within the time of rehabilitation in the next control examinations functional improvement was noticed. Maximum dynamic of changes took place between the 5th and the 8th week when examined in ADL scale and between the 2th and the 8th week of rehabilitation in IADL scale.
Conclusions: Maximum dynamic of functional improvement using early post-stroke composite rehabilitation took place before 8th week after brain stroke. Early post-stroke rehabilitation is followed by considerable functional improvement.

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