Sławomir Jandziś
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Teresa Pop
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Mariusz Drużbicki
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Grzegorz Przysada
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Institute of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rzeszów, Poland
Instytut Fizjoterapii Wydziału Medycznego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów, Polska
Department of Physiotherapy, Institute of Health Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland
Institute of Physiotherapy, Medical Department, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszów, Poland


Authors on the base of archive materials, of publication in medical magazines and interviews are presenting development of the rehabilitation at the Rzeszow centre. It took place after 1983 thanks to activity of the team managed by Prof. Andrzej Kwolek, working at the Department of Rehabilitation of the Provincial Hospital No. 2 of the name of St Jadwiga Królowa in Rzeszow and the faculty of medicine of the Rzeszow University. The long-term work of the Team caused the coming into existence of the new model of the organization of the rehabilitation in Rzeszow and the Podkarpacie province. Standards of proceedings were developed, particularly for patients with injured nervous system, leaning against modern methods of the neurorehabilitation. The effectiveness of the concept was confirmed with researches and the clinical practice. It had a significant impact on development of the rehabilitation in the Podkarpacie province and to the development of the rehabilitation in Poland. After 30 years of activity of the team managed by Professor, Podkarpacie is a leading region in Poland. In 2013 here are functioning 11 departments of the neurological rehabilitation, 2 departments of the cardiological rehabilitation, 16 departments of the systemic rehabilitation and 38 daily departments of the rehabilitation. In the Podkarpacie region is functioning an efficient organisation system of the rehabilitation providing the timeliness, a complexity and continuity. The system is base on: scientific bases, constant educating of all rehabilitation team members, of cooperation with organisations of persons with disability and authorities of the region and the teamwork.

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