Stanisław Kijowski
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Instytut Fizjoterapii Politechniki Opolskiej w Opolu, Polska


Modern medicine beside intensive research in the genetics area and experiments with use of stem cell, having a purpose in functional improvement of faulty DNA part, is not able to stop morbid process in one of the most intensive forms of miopathy which is progressing Duchene’s muscle dystrophy. With those difficulties it seems that physiotherapy it the only alternative in the process of sickness development, it’s consequences, as well comfort and quality of life improvement. Rehabilitation process of patients with Duchene’s dystrophy should be interdisciplinary because scale of problems is wide. The therapeutic team should consist of: neurologist, anesthetist, psychologist, speech therapist, masseur, physiotherapist, orthopedic supply specialist, dietitian. Therapy must be guided in the close collaboration with patients family as well as local organizations and social societies. Within physiotherapeutic treatment we have to put attention on deformation counteractions, joint cramps, scoliosis, respiratory system infections, decrees breathing and energy efficiency. Important matter is patients non invasive mechanical ventilation support in the last stage of sickness when breathing-circulation problems increases

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