Miłosz Szczudło
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Wojciech Czarny
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Z Centrum Sportu i Rekreacji Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Z Wydziału Wychowania Fizycznego UR


Introduction: Diversity in the types of body build can be observed at each stage of ontogenetic development. First year students are covered by the compulsory physical education in the curriculum. After that time they have to take care of their own health and physical fitness by themselves.

Research material and methods: This article compares Quetelet’s, Rohrer’s, Marty’s, WTR (waist-thigh ratio), and Škerlj’s indices and a sum of three skin folds. Research was done on 485 randomly chosen students from the University of Rzeszów. Research was conducted in the winter semester of the academic year 2010/2011.

Results: The results are presented primarily in tables, graphs and figures and provide a comparison of somatic indicators. This article has shown that university students do not deviate from the existing norms of body build.

Findings: The analysis includes differences between own research and other research. The research group was compared with the existing norms which showed that students do not deviate from them in types of body build.

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited