Magdalena Cyburt
Beata Penar-Zadarko
Monika Binkowska-Bury
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Studenckie Koło Naukowe Pielęgniarstwa Instytutu Pielęgniarstwa
Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszow, Poland
Institute of Health Sciences, Medical College of Rzeszow University, Rzeszow, Poland


Introduction. Lifestyle is made up of behaviour, attitudes and man’s general philosophy of life dependant on many factors such as environment, social and cultural norms and the communities which he belongs to or which he identifies with. Lifestyle depends on convictions, system of values, life abilities and the general economic, political and organizational structure of the society. The aim of the study. The aim of the study has been to recognize and to compare the lifestyles of cow. Materials and methods. The research has been carried out on a group of 60 students from the Reeszow University and Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. The research tool has been a survey form prepared specifically for the purpose of this research and made up of 27 questions concerning students’ health-related behaviour, that is: diet, substances, physical activity, stress, sleep, leisure activities and undertaking preventive screening. Results and conclusions. The research that has been carried out leads to subsequent conclusions: students of both groups consider physical activity 10 be the main component of a healthy lifestyle, its other components being: healthy diet, sleep, passive leisure activities and absence of addictions. Subjects undertake various types of physical activity, most frequently cycling, swimming, jogging and team sports. Students from both groups do not eat regularly. The most popular form of spending free time among students from both groups is socializing with people. There are much more students of Academy of Fine Arts who ‘smoke, drink alcohol and take drugs. Students of Medical Faculty know more about preventive screening.

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