Prolactin and estrogens in multiple sclerosis hormonal imbalance, connection with etiopatogenesis and influence on course of disease
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory-demyelinization disease of the central nervous sys-tem which is classified as an autoimmune disorder. Endocrine system dysfunctions, which were widely described in MS patients, can be associated both with the demyelinization process, as well as with treat-ment effects. Strong relationship between endocrine and immune system can be observed there. Prolactin and sex hormones, in particular estrogens, are the groups of hormones which have the immunomodula-tory properties. Their influence on the immunological processes is complex and still not well known. They can probably also play an important role in MS pathogenesis. From the recent studies results it can be concluded that they can influence on the course of the disease and that they can be used as figure thera-peutic agents in MS patients.

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