Andrzej Kwolek
Małgorzata Majka-Sibiga
Magdalena Szydełko
Institute of Physiotherapy of University of Rzeszów, Poland
Z Instytutu Fizjoterapii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego Szpitala Wojewódzkiego nr 2 w Rzeszowie
Katedra i Zakład Chemii Medycznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie, Lublin, Polska


Introduction: The advance in medicine manifests itself in early detection of neoplastic diseases, prolongation and improvement quality of life. The new methods of treatment are constantly worked out, it gives to the patients the chance for the life prolongation. The bigger pressure in oncology is put not only on the results of treatment but also on the patient’s improvement of functional status and quality of life. In consequence it advantageously influences on elective treatment.

Material and methods: In the paper 5 cases of patients with diagnosed neoplastic diseases and metastases to the bone were presented. Four of them were hospitalized in the rehabilitation ward, one of them was treated at home in the frame of social rehabilitation.

Results: The improvement of general physical fitness and the better tolerance of effort were achieved thanks to 3-4 weeks period of rehabilitation. The better motivation for the further treatment was observed in all patients.

Conclusions: independently of advances of neoplastic disease the wide, complex and competently chosen rehabilitation should be irrevocable part of interdisciplinary treatment of patients.

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